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Addressing audience as the Chief Guest of the function, 'Ithas ke Panno se' organised by Heritage Services & Performing Arts (HSPA), as part of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, at the Alluri Seetharama Raju Vignana Kendra, Vishakhapatanam (Andhra Pradesh) (20 August 2023)

Delivering the Keynote address at the International Seminar on Reappraisal of Mark Twain’s Encounter with the Religio-Cultural and Art Heritage of Varanasi (February 27, 28 and March 01, 2023) organised by the Department of the History of Art and Tourism Management, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (27 February 2023)

Chairing the Plenary Session VII of the International Seminar on Reappraisal of Mark Twain’s Encounter with the Religio-Cultural and Art Heritage of Varanasi (February 27, 28 and March 01, 2023) organised by the Department of the History of Art and Tourism Management, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (1 March 2023)

Delivering the Annual Dr. Frank C. Chookolingo and Evamaria R. Chookolingo Memorial Lecture, 2023 organised by the Department of the History of Art and Tourism Management, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (1 March 2023)

Presenting paper 'Digging Deep: Symbiosis of Archives and Archaeology', at the Seminar, 'Archives and Archaeology' organised by the National Archives of India, Regional Office, Bhopal and Archaeological Survey of India, Bhopal Circle (18 October 2022)

With Mr. Justice Sashikant Mishra, Judge, Orissa High Court, Cuttack on his visit to the National Archives of India, New Delhi (6 June 2022)

Letter of Gratitude received from Ms. Aktoty Raimkulova, Hon'ble Minister of Culture and Sports, Republic of Kazakhstan. (2020)

Appreciation Letter from HE Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Hon'ble President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (25 Feb 2021)

Speaking at Ethno-Festival, 'Happy Together', at the Tagore Park, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan, (7 Sept 2019)

Presenting paper at the 20th International Congress on Archives organized by the International Council on Archives (ICA) at Seoul, South Korea (5-9 September 2016).

Speaking as Co-Chair for Panel Discussion on 'New Digital Research Methods for Social Sciences and Humanities in a digitalised world', at the EqUIP Academic Symposium on Digital Archives and Databases as a Source of Mutual Knowledge, organized by the Agency for the Promotion of the European Research (APRE), under the framework of the of ‘EU-INDIA Social Sciences and Humanities Platform (EqUIP)’, Rome (5-6 May 2016).

Finale of the 125th Foundation Day of National Archives of India (New Delhi, 11 March 2016)
Lighting ceremonial lamp to inaugurate the Finale Ceremony of the Week-long celebrations to mark 125th Foundation Year of the National Archives of India. Dr Mahesh Sharma (on the right), Hon'ble Minister of State for Tourism and Culture (Independent Charge) and Minister of State for Civil Aviation, Government of India, presided the function. (New Delhi, 11 March 2016)

Release of Commemorative Coins of Rs. 125/- and Rs. 10/-

Release of Commemorative Postal Stamp

Release of Special Publication 1

Release of Special Publication 2

Presenting the Vote of Thanks

Speaking as Chairperson of the Session on 'Access and Integration - Working together with Archives and other Heritage Institutions' at the CIDOC-2015 'International Conference on Documenting Diversity – Collections, Catalogues & Context' organised by the International Committee for Documentation and National Museum Institute of History of Art, Conservation and Museology, New Delhi, India (5-10 September 2015).

Presenting paper at the Seminar on 'Sources of 18th and 19th Century', organized by the National Archives of India, New Delhi (8-9 March 2016).

Meeting with HE Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, President of Afghanistan, Kabul, Afghanistan, (7 June 2015)

Presenting paper at the International Conference on 'Documents Of the First World War Centenary' organised by the State Archives of Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey (19-21 March 2015)

On the occasion of 125th Foundation Day of National Archives of India (New Delhi, 11 March 2015)

[Seen with Smt. Sreya Guha, Director General of Archives and Dr. Ansar ul Haque, Deputy Director of Archives]
Presenting paper at the International Symposium on Dazu Studies and the 70th Anniversary Celebrating the First Investigation into Dazu Rock Carvings, organised by the Academy of Dazu Rock Carvings, Dazu Studies Research Centre of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, and Seminar for Dazu Rock Carvings, Dazu District, Chongqing, China (24 - 27 November 2014)

Presenting paper at the International Conference on ''The Future Museum : An Asian Perspective' organized by the Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka (Kelaniya, 28-29 October 2014)

SAARC International Conference on Development of Museums in South Asia: Curating Culture for Present and Future (Colombo, 23-25 October 2014)
Speaking at the Inaugural Session

Chairing the Plenary Committee

Speaking at the Valedictory Session

[For more pictures, click here]
Felicitating the artists at the SAARC Cultural Programme on 'Traditional Dances of South Asia' (New Delhi, 26-28 September 2014)

Moderating the Workshop on 'Intangible Cultural Heritage of South Asia', organized as part of the SAARC Cultural Programme on 'Traditional Dances of South Asia' (New Delhi, 26-28 September 2014)

Attending the Meeting of Senior Officials Preparatory to the Third Meeting of SAARC Ministers of Culture (New Delhi, 24 September 2014)

[Seen with, from left: Dinusha Pathiraja, Senior Personal assistant, SAARC Secretariat, Mr. G.L.W. Samarasinghe, Director, SAARC Cultural Centre, and Ms. Soundarie David Rodrigo, Deputy Director, Programme]
SAARC Capacity Building Workshop on Preparation of Proposals of New Sites for Inclusion in the UNESCO’s World Heritage List concludes (Lumbini, 3-8 August 2014):
Speaking at the Inaugural Session

Valedictory Function

[Seen with, from left: Mr. Bhesh Narayan Dahal, Director General, Department of Archaeology, Nepal, Mr. Bhim Prasad Acharya, Hon'ble Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Government of Nepal, and Mr. G.L.W. Samarasinghe, Director, SAARC Cultural Centre]
[For more pictures, click here]
Declaring Bamiyan as the SAARC CULTURAL CAPITAL for 2015 (Kabul, 21 June 2014)

[Seen with (from left): Mr. G.L.W. Samarasinghe, Director, SAARC Cultural Centre, Dr. Sayed Makhdom Raheen, Hon'ble Minister of Information and Culture, Government of Afghanistan, and Mr. Sayed Mossadeq Khalili, Hon'ble Deputy Minister for Cultural Affairs, Government of Afghanistan]
SAARC Film Festival, 2014.
Receiving Hon. T.B. Ekanayake, Minister for Culture and the Arts, Government of Sri Lanka (Colombo, 20 May 2014)

Speaking as the Convenor of the the SAARC Workshop on ‘International Recognition OR a Local Audience: Negotiating Divergent Pressures in Film Making’, as part of the 4th SAARC Film Festival, (Colombo 23 May 2014).

Speaking at the Awards Ceremony (Colombo, 25 May 2014)

As Chief Guest at the Annual Function of the Louvre College (Colombo, 5 May 2014)

SAARC Regional Seminar on Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Sustainable Development in South Asia (Peradeniya, 28-29 April 2014)

Co-Chairing the Mid-Term Review of the SAARC Research Project, 'Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions of South Asia', (Peradeniya, 26 April 2014)

[With Mr. GLW Samarasinghe, Director, SAARC Cultural Centre]
At the Farewell Dinner at the conclusion of the SAARC Artist Camp, 2014 held at Bandarban, Chittagaon, Bangladesh, from 9-11 April 2014 (Dhaka, 11 April 2014)

[Seen with Mr. Asaduzzaman Noor, Hon'ble Minister for Culture, Government of Bangladsh]
Speaking at the Welcome Dinner hosted for the participants of the First SAARC Literary Festival (Thimphu, 18-21 Dec 2013)

Speaking at the 29th SAARC Charter Day Celebrations, Colombo, (8 December 2013)

SAARC International Conference on Development of Archives in South Asia, Collombo (3-5 December 2013).
In converstation with Hon'ble Kumari Balasuriya, Governor of the Southern Province, Sri Lanka, during Post-Conference Tour to Galle

Co-chairing the Plenary Session

Speaking at the Valedictory Session of the SAARC International Conference on Development of Archives in South Asia: ‘The Future of Archives and Archives of the Future’, Colombo, (5 December 2013)

Speaking as Panellist at the Lien Fung Colloquium on 'New Revelations: Buddhist Artefacts and the Silk Route', organized by the Wee Kim Wee Centre, Singapore Management University, Singapore (23 October 2013)

[For details, and more pictures click here]
At the Launch of two Anthologies, Colombo (16 September 2013)

[Seen with Ms. Soundarie David Rodrigo, Deputy Director - Programme; Mr. GLW Samarasinghe, Director, Mr. S. Amarasekara, Secretary to the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, and Shri M. Ramachandran, Director, Indian Cultural Centre, Colombo]
At the Pakistan National Council of Arts (PNCA), Islamabad (30 August 2013)

[With Muhammad Bilal, Director-General, PNCA]
Closing Ceremony of the 37th Session of the World Heritage Committee. — at Sokha Angkor Hotel, Siem Reap, Cambodia (27 June 2013).

[Seen with Kishore Rao, Director, World Heritage Committee (left) and Mr. GLW Samarasinghe, Director, SAARC Cultural Centre]
SAARC Film Festival, 2013, Colombo (31 May 2013)

[Seen with the Chief Guest and the winners of the Awards]
Speaking at the SAARC Workshop on ‘Institutional Support for the South Asian Cinema’, on the occasion of the 3rd SAARC Film Festival, Colombo (29 May 2013)

SAARC Research Review Meetings - 'Diminishing Cultures of South Asia' and 'Diasporic Cultures of South Asia During 18th to 20th Centuries' @ Sigirya Village Hotel (2-3 May 2013)

[Seen with Mr. GLW Samarasinghe, Director, SAARC Cultural Centre]
SAARC Seminar on 'Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions of South Asia', Sigiriya, Sri Lanka (29-30 April 2013),

[Seen with Hon. Dr. Jagath Balasuriya, Minister for National Heritage, Sri Lanka, Mr. GLW Samarasinghe, Director, SAARC Cultural Centre and Ms. Soundarie David Rodrigo, Deputy Director, Programme]
At the SAARC Artist Camp and Exhibition, Kuda Bandos, Maldives (25 March 2013)

[Seen with the colleagues of the SAARC Cultural Centre]
SAARC/ International Women's Day: (Galle, 12 March 2013)

SAARC Film Day: Iran - Family Bonds (22 Feb. 2013)

[Seen with the colleagues of the SAARC Cultural Centre]
SAARC Film Day: Pakistan - Khuda ke liye (10 Dec. 2012)

[Seen with Mr. GLW Samarasinghe, Director, Dr. Hussainpuri, Iranian Ambassador to Sri Lanka, and Mr. M. Ramachandran, Director, Indian Cultural Centre, Colombo]
28th SAARC Charter Day (9 December 2012)

SAARC Expo - Wheel of Life - Traditional Handloom of South Asia - Inauguration: Pragati Maidan, New Delhi (1 November 2012).

[Seen with Ms. Soundarie David Rodrigo, Deputy Director - Programme; Smt. Sangita Gairola, Secretary - Culture, Government of India; and Mr. GLW Samarasinghe, Director]
Book Launch of two Anthologies published by the SAARC Cultural Centre - Contemporary Short Stories from the SAARC Region and Poems form the SAARC Region - at the Colombo International Book Fair (25 Sept 2012).

[with Deputy Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka, Mr. Neomal Perera and Mr. GLW Samarasinghe, Director, SAARC Cultural Centre, and Mr. Vijitha Yapa, President, Book Publishers' Association of Sri Lanka]
SAARC Film Day (Nepal): Screening of Nepalese Fim "Karma": Colombo (21 September 2012)

[with Ven. Olando Anand Thero, and Nana, a Japanese photographer]
Presenting paper at the Ananda Coomaraswamy Memorial Conference on Art and Culture: Inauguration Ceremony: Kelaniya (8 Sept. 2012)

Inauguration of the SAARC International Conference on Archaeology of Buddhism Recent Discoveries in South Asia: Colombo (22 August 2012)

[Arrival of the Chief Guest, Prof. G.L. Peiris, Foreign Minister, Sri Lanka]
Inauguration of Book Exhibition and Poster Session organized as part of the SAARC International Conference on Archaeology of Buddhism Recent Discoveries in South Asia: Colombo (22 August 2012)

[Seen with Mr. T.B. Ekanayake, Minister for Culture and the Arts, Sri Lanka]
"Lens and Brush: An Exhibition of Photographs and Paintings" (Colombo, 22-26 August 2012). Inauguration Ceremony: Colombo, 21 August 2012.

[The Twin Exhibition, inaugurated by Hon. Chamal Rajapaksa, Speaker of Parliament of Sri Lanka, on 21 August 2012 at Colombo, was held from 21-26 August as part of SAARC International Conference on Archaeology of Buddhism: Recent Discoveries in South Asia" (Colombo, 22-24 August 2012)]
Inauguration of the Screening of "THE STORY OF BUDDHISM: ITS BIRTH AND DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA" - A series of 12 Films by eminent photographer, film-maker, art historian, Mr. Benoy K. Behl: Colombo (15 August 2012)

[With Dr. Jagath Balasuriya, Minister for National Heritage, Sri Lanka]
SAARC Cultural Centre Foundation Day (25 March): Lecture by Ambassador Nihal Rodrigo: Colombo (27 March 2012)

SAARC Regional Conference 'Circulation of Cultures and Culture of Circulations: Diasporic Cultures of South Asia, from 18th to 20th Centuries': Inauguration Ceremony: Galle (15 March 2012)

[with Mr. Marufi Kaleem (Afghanistan) on r., Prof. Minhaj Hassan (Pakistan/ Hong Kong) on l., and Dr. Amit K. Mishra (India), lighting the lamp]
SAARC International Women's Day, 2012: Colombo (8 March 2012)

[with Mr. G.L.W. Samarasinghe, Director, SAARC Cultural Centre and Hon. Kumari Balasuriya, Governor, Southern Province]
SAARC Charter Day Celebrations, 2011: Colombo (8 December 2011)

International Conference on ‘Pilgrimages and Sanctuaries: Art, Music and Rituals’ organized by the Centro Incontri Umani (Socio-Cultural Centre): Ascona, Switzerland (12 November 2011)

SAARC Symposium on Folk Dances in the SAARC Region: Dhaka (23 October 2011)

SAARC Regional Conference on Diminishing Cultures of South Asia: Inaugural Session: Kandy (19 July 2011)

SAARC Film Festival, 2011: Workshop on Societal Role of Film Makers: Balancing Commercial Success and Social Commitments: Colombo (12 May 2011)