


Father's Name : Late Shri R.S. GARG

Date of Birth : 01 January 1965

Nationality : Indian

Present Position : DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF ARCHIVES (Retd.), National Archives of India, (Ministry of Culture, Government of India), Janpath, New Delhi.

Email for Correspondence: moc.liamtoh|03grags#moc.liamtoh|03grags


a. Academic

M.A. (History), in First Division, 1984, St. John's College, Agra University, Agra.

Ph.D. in History, 2008, Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.


b. Professional

Diploma in Archival Studies, in First Division, 1985, School of Archival Studies, National Archives of India (NAI), New Delhi.


1985-88: RESEARCH ASSOCIATE at the Indian Institute of Research in Numismatic Studies (IIRNS), Anjaneri, Nasik.

1988-91: ASSISTANT ARCHIVIST at the National Archives of India, (Department of Culture, Government of India), Janpath, New Delhi.

1991: ARCHIVIST at the National Archives of India, (Department of Culture, Government of India), Janpath, New Delhi.

1991-2010: ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF ARCHIVES at the National Archives of India, (Ministry of Culture, Government of India), Janpath, New Delhi. Worked as the Branch Head of the School of Archival Studies, Records Management and Oriental Records Divisions.

2010, Feb. - 2011, Feb.: DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF ARCHIVES at the National Archives of India, (Ministry of Culture, Government of India), Janpath, New Delhi. Worked as Divisional head of the Records Division (including the Cartography Section and the Departmental Records Room), Research Room, Publication Division, Exhibition Unit, NAI Museum, Grants Section, Planning & Budget Section and Hindi Section.

2011, March - 2014, Dec.: DEPUTY DIRECTOR (RESEARCH) at the SAARC Cultural Centre, Colombo. SAARC is the regional intergovernmental organisation of the South Asian countries and includes: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Worked as the head of the Research Division at the Cultural Centre.

2014, Dec. - 2018, March: DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF ARCHIVES at the National Archives of India, (Ministry of Culture, Government of India), Janpath, New Delhi. Worked as Divisional head of the Records Division (including the Cartography Section and the Departmental Records Room), Research Room, Publication Division, Exhibition Unit, NAI Museum, Establishment Division, and Administration Division.

2018, March - March, 2021: DIRECTOR, Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre (SVCC)/ First Secretary, Embassy of India in Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan (Astana), Kazakhastan.

2021, April - July: DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF ARCHIVES at the National Archives of India, (Ministry of Culture, Government of India), Janpath, New Delhi.

2021, July - Dec. 2024: OFFICER ON SPECIAL DUTY at Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav Secretariat, Ministry of Culture, Government of India, New Delhi.

2022, May - Dec. 2024: DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF ARCHIVES at the National Archives of India, (Ministry of Culture, Government of India), Janpath, New Delhi. Worked as the Head of Office, and Divisional Head of the Establishment and Administration Divisions, Grants Section, NAI Library, Oriental Records, International Cultural Relations, Committees and Coordination (CC) Section, including Indian Historical Records Commission, and National Committee of Archivists; and as Chairman, Procurement Committee.


1987-88: PROGRAMME DIRECTOR of the two Workshops on 'PRACTICAL GUIDE TO THE FUNDAMENTALS OF INDIAN NUMISMATICS' of the Indian Institute of Research in Numismatic Studies, Nasik.

1990: MEMBER OF THE ACADEMIC COMMITTEE of the First Oriental Numismatic Congress held at Nagpur (October/ November).

1991- till date: ASSOCIATE EDITOR (1991-2001)/ EDITOR (2001-TILL DATE) of Numismatic Digest, an annual research journal of the Indian Institute of Research in Numismatic Studies, Nasik.

1998- till date: MEMBER OF THE PURCHASE COMMITTEE for the Reserve Bank of India's MONETARY MUSEUM, Mumbai.

2001: Appeared as HISTORY EXPERT in the programme 'History of Asian Finance' (Bang Productions, Hong Kong) telecast on National Geographic Channel.

2001-2011: MEMBER OF THE APPEAL COMMITTEE constituted by the Archaeological Survey of India to examine coins confiscated by the Customs/ Police.

2002-04: MEMBER OF THE JOINT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (JAC) of Integrated Labour History Programme of VV Giri National Labour Institute, Noida (UP).


2003: MEMBER, EDITORIAL BOARD for Shri T.N. Chaturvedi Felicitation Volume entitled, Tri-Ratna: Heritage, Governance and Equity (Hon'ble Shri T.N. Chaturvedi Festschrift), ed. by R.C. Tripathi et al, 5 Vols. (Delhi, 2003).

2005: RESOURCE PERSON for 'Records Management Training Programme for Government Employees' conducted at Chennai, Bhopal, Kolkata and New Delhi under World Bank Sub-Project on 'Capacity Building for Good Governance'.

2005-2011: EXPERT MEMBER, LIBRARY, ARCHIVES AND MUSEUM COMMITTEE of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), New Delhi.

2006: PANELLIST for the Session 'Changing Contours of Records Management (Records Management and Reference Media)' of the VISION CONFERENCE organised by the National Archives of India (30 May).

2006-09: MEMBER OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE of the Madhav Rao Sapre Smriti Samachar Patra Sangrahalaya evam Shodh Sansthan [Madhav Rao Sapre Memorial Newspaper Museum and Research Institute], Bhopal.


  • EXPERT MEMBER of the Panel for reviewing Hindi textbook on Sociology, entitled, Bharat mein Samajik parivartan evam Vikas, for Class XII, brought out by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi.
  • PANELLIST for the Book Discussion, 'Memory as History: Alexander in Asia' held at the India International Centre, New Delhi. (9 May)
  • MEMBER, Art Purchase Committee of Dharohar – The Haryana Museum under the auspices of Kurukshetra University (Haryana).

2008: MEMBER, Committee on Collection Development, Preservation and Access, International Institute of Social History (IISH), Amsterdam.


  • MEMBER, Advisory Committee on Archives, Indian National Science Academy (INSA), New Delhi.
  • CHAIRPERSON, Iran Session, at the XIV International Numismatic Congress (INC), Glasgow (UK) (31 August – 4 September).

2009-10: EDITOR, The Indian Archives, annual research journal of the National Archives of India, New Delhi.

2010: SPECIAL INVITEE, 26th Meeting of Arab Gulf Archives and Documents Centres, Sana'a (Yemen) (29 September – 1 October).


  • EXPERT MEMBER, High Level Steering Committee for Designing Currency Notes, constituted by the Reserve Bank of India.
  • EXECUTIVE EDITOR, SAARC Culture, annual research journal of the SAARC Cultural Centre, Colombo (Sri Lanka).


  • CONVENER, SAARC Regional Conference on 'Diminishing Cultures of South Asia', Kandy (Sri Lanka) (19-21 July).
  • CONVENER, SAARC Workshop on 'Societal Role of the Filmmakers: Balancing Commercial Success and Social Commitments', as part of the 1st SAARC Film Festival, Colombo (Sri Lanka) (12 May).


  • CONVENER, SAARC Regional Conference on 'Circulation of Cultures and Culture of Circulation: Diasporic Cultures of South Asia during 18th to 20th Centuries', Galle (Sri Lanka) (15-18 March).
  • CONVENER, SAARC Workshop on 'Film vs. Digital: The Impending Extinction of Celluloid Film and the Challenges Ahead', as part of the 2nd SAARC Film Festival, Colombo (Sri Lanka) (18 May).
  • CONVENER, SAARC International Conference on Archaeology of Buddhism: Recent Discoveries in South Asia, Colombo (Sri Lanka) (22-24 August).
  • CHAIRPERSON, Round Table on 'Mapping Buddhist Monasteries in South Asia', as part of SAARC International Conference on Archaeology of Buddhism: Recent Discoveries in South Asia, Colombo (Sri Lanka) (23 August).

2012-13: MEMBER, Scientific Committee of the International Congress on Cultural Impact Assessment, Bushehr (Iran) (24-26 February).


  • CONVENER, SAARC Regional Seminar on Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions of South Asia, Sigiriya (Sri Lanka) (29-30 April).
  • CONVENER, SAARC Workshop on 'Institutional Support for the South Asian Cinema', as part of the 3rd SAARC Film Festival, Colombo (Sri Lanka) (29 May 2013).
  • OBSERVER, 37th Meeting of the World Heritage Committee, Phnom Penh (Cambodia) (16-27 June).
  • CONVENER, SAARC Capacity Building Workshop on 'Management Systems of World Heritage Sites In South Asia', Islamabad (Pakistan), (26-31 August).
  • SPECIAL INVITEE, at the Sino-Pakistani Academic Exchange Conference on 'Gandhāran Culture and its Spread in China', organised by the School of Foreign Languages & the Research Center of Eastern Literature, Peking University, Beijing (China), (5-6 November).
  • CONVENER, & CO-CHAIRPERSON of the Plenary Committee of the SAARC International Conference on Development of Archives in South Asia, 'The Future of Archives & Archives of the Future', Colombo, (Sri Lanka), (3-6 December).
  • CONVENER, & CO-CHAIRMAN of the Plenary Committee of the SAARC Literary Festival on South Asian Novels entitled, 'Traversing the Cultural Contours through South Asian Novel', Thimphu (Bhutan), (18-21 December).


  • CONVENER, SAARC Regional Seminar on Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Sustainable development in South Asia, Peradeniya (Sri Lanka) (28-29 April).
  • CONVENER, SAARC Workshop on 'International Recognition OR a Local Audience: Negotiating Divergent Pressures in Film Making', as part of the 4th SAARC Film Festival, Colombo (Sri Lanka) (23 May).
  • CONVENER, & CO-CHAIRMAN of the Plenary Committee of the SAARC Capacity Building Workshop on 'Preparation of Proposals of New Sites for inclusion in the UNESCO's World Heritage List', Lumbini (Nepal) (3-8 August 2014).
  • MEMBER, SAARC Cultural Centre's Delegation at the SAARC Senior Officials' Meeting (24 September) and the Third Meeting of the SAARC Cultural Ministers' Meeting (25 September), New Delhi.
  • CONVENER-cum-MODERATOR, SAARC Workshop on 'Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Context of SAARC', as part of the SAARC Festival on Traditional Dances of South Asia, New Delhi (27 September).
  • CONVENER, & CHAIRMAN of the Plenary Committee of the SAARC International Conference on Development of Museums in South Asia, 'Curating Culture for Present and Future, Colombo, (Sri Lanka), (23-25 October).

2014- till date: FOUNDING MEMBER and JOINT GENERAL SECRETARY, Society for Buddhist Art and Archaeology (SBAA), New Delhi.

2015: CHAIRPERSON, Session on 'Access and Integration - Working together with Archives and other Heritage Institutions' at the CIDOC-2015 'International Conference on Documenting Diversity – Collections, Catalogues & Context' organised by the International Committee for Documentation and National Museum Institute of History of Art, Conservation and Museology, New Delhi, India (5-10 September).

2015-18: MEMBER-CONVENER: Think Tank on Management of Archives, constituted by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India.

2015- till date: MEMBER, Committee to review the existing size and shape of the coins, constituted by the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India.


  • RESOURCE PERSON at the National Conference on “Emerging Perceptions of Historical Writings in India”, organised by Department of History & Indian Culture and Centre for Rajasthan Studies, University of Rajasthan, at Jaipur (29-30 January).
  • CO-CHAIR for Panel Discussion on 'New Digital Research Methods for Social Sciences and Humanities in a digitalised world', (with Emilano Degl'Innocenti) at the EqUIP Academic Symposium on Digital Archives and Databases as a Source of Mutual Knowledge, organised by the Agency for the Promotion of the European Research (APRE), under the framework of the of 'EU-INDIA Social Sciences and Humanities Platform (EqUIP)', Rome (5-6 May).
  • OFFICIAL DELEGATE (INDIA) at the Memory of the World Committee for Asia and the Pacific (MOW-CAP) Workshop on Preservation, organised by the State Archives Authority of China (SAAC), Xi'an, China (13-16 June).
  • OFFICIAL DELEGATE (INDIA) at the 20th International Congress on Archives organised by the International Council on Archives (ICA) and a Special Meeting of the South and West Asian Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives (SWARBICA), at Seoul, South Korea (5-9 September). Presented a paper on 'Digital Initiatives At National Archives Of India' (See Summary)
  • GENERAL PRESIDENT, First National Numismatic Conference, 2016, organised by the Centre for History, Archaeology, Epigraphy & Numismatics (CHAEN) and Sathaye College, Mumbai (24-25 December).


  • OFFICIAL DELEGATE (Ministry of Culture, Government of India) at the 14th Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas, 2017 for attending the plenary session on 'Connecting Contemporary India to Diaspora in Girmitiya Countries: Link to Past for a shared future', organised by the Ministry of External Affairs, Bengaluru (7-9 January).
  • OFFICIAL DELEGATE (National Archives of India): to Portugal under Protocol of Cooperation between the National Archives of India and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of the Portuguese Republic (2017-2020) (15-17 May).
  • OFFICIAL DELEGATE (National Archives of India): to Morocco under Cooperation between Archives du Maroc and National Archives of India of the Cultural Exchange Programme between India and Morocco (2016-2019) (11-16 Sept).

2017-2018: MEMBER, Experts Committee of the Indian Council for Historical Research (ICHR) Special Project 'Historical Encyclopedia of Towns and Villages in India'.

2018: MEMBER, Experts Committee for setting up a permanent exhibition on Civil Service at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, (LBSNAA), Mussoorie (Uttarakhand).

2018: MEMBER, Experts Committee for Development of Museum on Sardar Patel In the Statue of Unity Project, Gujarat

2018: OFFICIAL DELEGATE (INDIA) at the Civil Forum of National Cultural Centres of the CICA Member States, organised within the framework of the celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Astana as the capital of Kazakhstan on the theme “With Love to Astana”, Astana, Kazakhstan (28-29 June).

2019: INTERNATIONAL OBSERVER (INDIA) for the election of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (9 June).

2022: JOINT SECRETARY, Standing Committee of the Indian Historical Records Committee (now Commission), National Archives of India, New Delhi.


  • MODERATOR for the 'National level Workshop on G20 Culture Track priority 1: Protection and Restitution of Cultural Property' organised by UNESCO, New Delhi (23 May).
  • OFFICIAL DELEGATE (INDIA) at the 21th International Congress on Archives organised by the International Council on Archives (ICA), at Abu Dhabi (UAE), (9-13 October).


  • MEMBER-SECRETARY, National Committee of Archivists, National Archives of India, New Delhi.
  • MEMBER-SECRETARY, Historical Documents Purchase Committee, National Archives of India, New Delhi.


  • OFFICIAL DELEGATE (INDIA) to discuss bilateral cooperation between the National Archives of India and the National Records and Archives Authority (NRAA) of Oman, at Muscat (Oman), (21-23 Februrary)


1981: Awarded TALUQDAR MEMORIAL PRIZE of the St. John's College, Agra, for securing highest marks in History in the B.A. (Pt. I) Examination.

1998: CHARLES WALLACE FELLOW at the University of Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, UK for preparing a Catalogue of Indian Coins in the Fitzwilliam Museum. Vol. I: The Mughals and their Contemporaries including the Sikhs and the Kingdoms of the North East. (April–June).

2009: RESIDENT FELLOW at Centro Incontri Umani (Socio-Cultural Centre), Ascona (Switzerland) for working on the project 'Transcendent Tolerance: Nazir's Message of Peace and Harmony to the Modern World' (March–Aug).

2010: ROBINSON VISITING SCHOLAR at the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, University of Oxford (UK) (July-August).

2010: KRAAY VISITOR at the Wolfson College, University of Oxford (UK) (July-August).


a. Undertaking and Conducting research work of Post Graduate standard:

1985 till date: I am engaged in independent research in areas such as history of South Asia in general and India in particular, with specialization on themes like economic and monetary history, currency and coinage, architecture, etc., as well as Archival Studies and have been publishing my research findings both in print and multimedia.

b. Supervised the Research work of the following candidates:

1985-88: Four research scholars registered with different Indian universities/ Institution for M.Phil./ Ph.D. degrees and working at the Indian Institute of Research in Numismatic Studies (IIRNS), Nasik (Maharashtra), on various topics of Medieval and Modern Indian Monetary History.

1993-94: Four trainees of the One Year Diploma Course in Archival Studies (1993-94 Session) enrolled in the School of Archival Studies, National Archives of India and working on various topics of Modern Indian History.

c. Provided guidance and assistance to Research Scholars working in the National Archives of India:

1988-2011, 2014-2018: As part of my official duties I guided and assisted various scholars enrolled in different Indian and Foreign Universities who visited the National Archives of India to consult its collection. The names of such scholars are mentioned in the Bulletin of Research Thesis and Dissertations published by the National Archives of India from time to time.



a. Books: Edited/ authored thirty-two books.

b. Research Papers: Authored over one hundred Research Papers - including 67 already published in reputed journals. Other papers presented at learned fora.

(For a complete list of Research Publications, please see Bibliography).


Conducted research and wrote scripts for the following multimedia productions:

a. 'Travelogues in Time': A Radio series for All India Radio (AIR).

b. Saga in Stone: Islamic Architecture in India: 13-episode-documentary for Doordarshan.

c. Master Builders of India: 5-episode-documentary for Doordarshan.

d. History of India: 13-episodes-serial commissioned by Gyan Darshan Channel of the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi.

e. Records Management: A Key to Efficient Administration: A multimedia CD on theory and practices of records management in India, brought out by the National Archives of India.


1. Indian Institute of Research in Numismatic Studies, Nasik.

As a PROGRAMME DIRECTOR of the first two Workshops on 'Practical Guide to the Fundamentals of Indian Numismatics'.

2. Visiting Faculty:

a. School of Archival Studies, National Archives of India, New Delhi.

b. Institute for Secretariat Management and Practice, New Delhi.

c. Bhogilal Leherchand Institute of Indology, New Delhi.

d. Dinesh Mody Institute for Numismatics and Archaeology, Mumbai University. Mumbai.

e. Department of Persian, University of Delhi, Delhi.

3. Examiner:

Served as an Examiner for the paper 'Administrative History and Epigraphy' of the Post Graduate Diploma Examination in Archival Studies at Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUST), Kochi (Kerala). 2005.


1. Hindi : Mother Tongue.
2. English : Medium of Instruction at school and college levels; also, principal language for research and communication.
3. Urdu : Certificate Course from St. John's College, Agra. 1982-83.
4. French : Working Knowledge. Studied at Alliance Française de Delhi, 1985.
5. Persian : Working Knowledge. Studied at Iran Cultural House, New Delhi, 1989-90.

ACADEMIC VISITS ABROAD (arranged chronologically):

UK: 1998

  • March-June: Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge (UK) as CHARLES WALLACE FELLOW.
  • May-June: British Museum, London, to study the Indian coins in its collection.
  • June: Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford, to study the Indian coins in its collection.

France: 1998

May: Cabinet des Médaillies, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris to study the Indian coins in its collection.

Spain: 2003

September: Participated in the XIII International Numismatic Congress, Madrid and presented a research paper entitled, 'Coins of European Adventurers in India'.

Italy 2003

  • September: Department of Oriental Studies, University of Milan (Italy), to deliver a Seminar on 'Indian Numismatic Research: Perspectives and Prospects'.
  • September: Department of Eurasian Studies, University of Venice (Italy), to give a talk on 'Sources of Modern Indian History'.

The Netherlands: 2007

October: Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies, Kern Institute of Indology, University of Leiden (The Netherlands), to deliver a Lecture on 'Monetary Disintegration of the Mughal Empire: An Eighteenth Century Perspective'.

UK: 2007

  • October: Oxford (UK) to participate in the First Shivdasani Conference entitled 'Archaeology and Text: The Temple in South Asia', organised by Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies (OCHS). Presented a research paper entitled, 'Money of the Gods: The Religious Tokens of India'.
  • October: British Museum, London, to study the Indian coins in its collection.
  • October: British Library, London, to study the records and other archival sources in its collection.
  • October-November: Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge (UK), to finalize the publication of the Catalogue entitled 'Indian Coins in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, Vol. 1: Mughals and their Contemporaries'.

The Netherlands: 2008

December: International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam (The Netherlands) to attend the Meeting of Committee on Collection Development, Preservation and Access, as a Member (12-13 December).; and to participate in the Symposium on 'Collecting Sources of Social History' (13-15 December).

Germany: 2008

December: Bode Museum, Berlin (Germany), to study the Indian coins in its collection (18-19 December).

Turkey: 2008

  • December: Department of Archive Studies, Marmara University, Istanbul (Turkey), to deliver a lecture on 'Records Management: Theory and Practices (with special reference to India)'.
  • December: Ottoman Archives, Istanbul (Turkey), to consult documents of Indian interest in its collection.

Switzerland: 2009

March-Aug.: Centro Incontri Umani (Socio-Cultural Centre), Ascona (Switzerland), to work as a RESIDENT FELLOW on the project 'Transcendent Tolerance: Nazir's Message of Peace and Harmony to the Modern World'.

Italy: 2009

May: Department of Oriental Studies, University of Milan (Italy), to deliver a Lecture on 'The Mughals of India: Power and Politics revealed through their Coins'.

UK: 2009

  • June: The Khalili Research Centre for the Art and Material Culture of the Middle East, University of Oxford (UK), to deliver Lecture on 'The Metallic Verse: The Coinage of the Mughals'.
  • Aug.-Sept.: Participated in the XIV International Numismatic Congress, Glasgow (UK) and presented a research paper entitled 'The King, the Princes and the Raj: The clash over coin-inscriptions and minting rights during the nineteenth century India'.
  • September: Participated in the International conference on 'Historiography & Iran in Comparative Perspective' organised by the Institute of Iranian Studies, University of St Andrews/ Iran Heritage Foundation, St. Andrews (UK) and presented a research paper entitled 'Safavid-Mughal Relations: the Numismatic Evidence'.

Austria: 2010

July: Participated in the 20th Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeology and Art, Vienna (4-10 July) and presented a research paper entitled 'New Light on Charles Masson (1800-53)'.

UK: 2010

July-August: Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, University of Oxford (UK) as ROBINSON VISITING SCHOLAR. Simultaneously, also held KRAAY VISITORSHIP at the Wolfson College, University of Oxford (UK) (July-Aug).

Yemen: 2010

September-October: Participated in the 26th Meeting of Arab Gulf Archives and Documents Centres, Sana'a (Yemen) as Special Invitee and made a presentation entitled, 'India and the Arab World: The Archival Connection'.

Bangladesh: 2011

October-November: Organised Symposium on 'Folk Dances in the SAARC Region' at Dhaka.

Switzerland: 2011

November: Participated in the International Conference on 'Pilgrimages and Sanctuaries: Art, Music and Rituals' organised by the Centro Incontri Umani (Socio-Cultural Centre), Ascona (Switzerland) in association with Groupe Sociétés Religions Laïcité, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Ecole Pratique des hautes Etudes, Université de la Sorbonne and the Department of Social Anthropology, University of St Andrews (UK) presented a research paper entitled 'Pilgrims' Memorabilia in the Social Landscape of India'.

Maldives: 2013

March: Organised SAARC Artist Camp at Male.

Cambodia: 2013

June: Attended the 37th Session of the UNESCO's World Heritage Committee, at Phnom Penh and Siem Reap as OBSERVER.

Pakistan: 2013

August: Organised the SAARC Capacity Building Workshop on 'Management Systems of World Heritage Sites In South Asia', Islamabad.

Singapore: 2013

October: Attended the Lien Fung Colloquium on 'New Revelations: Buddhist Artefacts and the Silk Route', organised by the Wee Kim Wee Centre, Singapore Management University (SMU), Singapore, and presented a research paper entitled, 'Archaeology of Buddhism: Perspectives from South Asia', (23 October 2013).

China: 2013

  • October: Attended the International Symposium on the 'The Maritime Silk Route - Cross-cultural Exchange and Heritage in Asia', organised by the Zhejiang Institute of Archaeology, China National Silk Museum, and China Tea Museum (all in Hangzhou, China), and Centre for Chinese Archaeology, Peking University (China), and presented a research paper entitled, 'Monetary Networks and Trade on the Maritime Silk Route', (25-28 October).
  • October: held Meeting with the officials of the UNESCO's World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for Asia and Pacific (WHITR-AP), Shanghai (China), on strategic partnership in the field of heritage management in South Asia, (29 October).
  • November: Attended the Sino-Pakistani Academic Exchange Conference on 'Gandhāran Culture and its Spread in China', organised by the School of Foreign Languages & the Research Center of Eastern Literature, Peking University, Beijing (China), and presented a research paper entitled,'Numismatic Art of the Kushans', (5-6 November).

Bhutan: 2013

December: Organised SAARC Literary Festival on South Asian Novels entitled, 'Traversing the Cultural Contours through South Asian Novel', and CO-CHAIRED Meeting of its Plenary Committee, Thimphu, (18-21 December).

Bangladesh: 2014

April: Organised SAARC Artist Camp at Bandarban (Chittagong) and Art Exhibition at Dhaka (Bangladesh). (9-11 April).

Afghanistan: 2014

June: Visited Kabul and Bamiyan to inspect the UNESCO World Heritage Monuments in the Bamiyan province and to hold meetings with the Ministers, Governor, other high government officials, and the members of the civil society, in connection with the proposed declaration of Bamiyan as the SAARC Cultural Capital for 2015. (16-22 June).

Nepal: 2014

June: Organised SAARC Capacity Building Workshop on 'Preparation of Proposals of New Sites for inclusion in the UNESCO's World Heritage List', Lumbini. (3-8 August).

China: 2014

November: Attended the International Symposium on 'Dazu Studies and the 70th Anniversary Celebrating the First Investigation into Dazu Rock Carvings', organised by the Academy of Dazu Rock Carvings, Dazu Studies Research Centre of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, and Seminar for Dazu Rock Carvings, (all in Dazu District, Chongqing, China) and presented a research paper on 'Management and Development of Heritage Sites in South Asia'. (24-27 November).

Turkey: 2015

March: Attended the International Conference on 'Documents Of the First World War Centenary' organised by the State Archives of Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey and presented a paper entitled 'India – Turkey & the First World War: A Glimpse of the Archival Collection in the National Archives of India'. (19-21 March).

Afghanistan: 2015

June: Attended inauguration ceremony of Bamiyan as the SAARC Cultural Capital for 2015 at the invitation of the Government of Afghanistan and also visited historical sites in Kabul and Band-e Amir (4-7 June).

Italy: 2015

September: Attended the XVth International Numismatic Congress at Taorminia (Messina, Sicily, Italy), and presented a research paper entitled, 'Counterfeiting of Coins in Medieval India: A Survey of Contemporary Literature.' (21-25 September).

Italy: 2016

May: Attended a Symposium on Digital Archives and Databases as a Source of Mutual Knowledge, organised by the Agency for the Promotion of the European Research (APRE), under the framework of the of 'EU-INDIA Social Sciences and Humanities Platform (EqUIP); and Co-Chaired a session on Digital Resources for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in a Digitalised World. Rome, (5-6 May).

China: 2016

  • June: Attended the Memory of the World Committee for Asia and the Pacific (MOW-CAP) Workshop on Preservation, organised by the State Archives Authority of China (SAAC), as Official Delegate (India) Xi'an (13-16 June).
  • November: Attended the Second International Conference on Buddhist Archaeology in China and South Asia organised by the Institute of Archaeology, Society for Buddhist Art and Archaeology, and School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University, at Beijing (China) (25-29 November)

South Korea: 2016

September: Attended the 20th International Congress on Archives organised by the International Council on Archives (ICA), and and presented a research paper entitled, 'Digital Initiatives at the National Archives of India'; also attended a Special Meeting of the South and West Asian Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives (SWARBICA), at Seoul (South Korea),(5-9 September).

Portugal: 2017

May: Visited Torre do Tombo (National Archives of Portugal) and also conducted research at the Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino (Historical Overseas Archives), both in Lisbon (Portugal), as part of two-member official delegation of the National Archives of India to Portugal deputed to sign a Protocol of Cooperation between the National Archives of India and the Minister of Culture of the Portuguese Republic in the field of archives (15-17 May).

Morocco: 2017

September: Visited Foundation Abdul Aziz Al Saoud, Casablanca; Archives du Maroc, Rabat; Bibliotheque Nationale, Rabat; Societe Nationale du Radio e Telivision (SNRT) Headquarters, Rabat; Ministry of Culture and Communication, Government of Morocco, Rabat; Tetouan Asmir Association, Tetouan; as part of two-member official delegation of the National Archives of India under Cooperation between Archives du Maroc and National Archives of India of the Cultural Exchange Programme between India and Morocco (2016-2019).

United Arab Emirates: 2023

October: Attended the 21th International Congress on Archives organised by the International Council on Archives (ICA); also attended bilateral and Multilateral Meetings with the Heads of National Archices of Iran, Oman, Egypt, Sri Lanka and UAE, at Abu Dhabi (UAE), (9-13 October).

Oman: 2024

February: Visited Muscat as Official Delegate (India) to discuss bilateral cooperation between the National Archives of India and the National Records and Archives Authority (NRAA) of Oman, at Muscat (Oman), (21-23 February)

United States of America: 2024

Feb./March: Attended as VIP Invitee, the Archives and Records Custodians (ARC) Symposium, organised as part of the RootsTech 2024 Conference, hosted by FamilySearch International at Salt Lake City, Utah (USA), (28 Feb to 1 March)

Armenia: 2024

  • March: Attended a three-day Conference to mark the 100th anniversary of the National Archives of Armenia, and the 20th anniversary of the UNESCO Convention on the protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, on the theme "Archives – the Memory of Humanity" from 26 to 28 March 2024, at Yerevan (Armenia) and presented a paper entitled ‘India and Armenia: in History and Archives’.
  • October: Attended 13th Annual International Scientific Seminar, 'Faces of Memory: The Latest Technologies for Preservation and Restoration of Manuscripts and Printed Heritage', organised by Mesrop Mashtots Research Institute of Ancient Manuscripts (Matenadaran), Yerevan, (Armenia), from 9 to 13 October 2024, as part of two-member official delegation of the National Archives of India, and presented a paper entitled 'Manuscript Wealth of India, Its History, Dispersal and Conservation' .

Kazakhstan: 2024

October: Attended II International Congress of Archivists, organised by the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at Almaty (Kazakhstan), from 1 to 4 October 2024, and presented a paper entitled 'Prepare or Perish: Archives and Challenges of Climate Change'.

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